Over the last year we have spent much of our time building foundations for the future. The team in the States has been raising funds for the Hope Center while I have been busy raising commitments so that we can continue our work in Israel. I spent five weeks in September and October in the States sharing with people about our work in Israel, sharing our needs and visiting supporters. I apologize for not keeping up my blog during this time. For all things there is a season, and this has been a season of preparation.
One of the first things I did when I returned to Israel from the States was look at a potential location for the Hope Center. It's exciting to see what was once a dream, slowly becoming a reality. There are so many wonderful things we will be able to do with a building like this, but it is important we find the right location. Please pray for God's wisdom and guidance.
Damage from rock thrown |
While you are praying, please continue to pray for the safety and well-being of those who work with us in Israel. Over this past weekend a rock was thrown at one of our centers (recently posters were put up in the town with pictures of a congregational leader we partner with and the manager of our center warning people to stay away). We were able to identify the assailant, who threw the rock, through footage taken from a security camera. Please pray for favor from the police. While our work is appreciated in many communities, with local officials often reaching out to us for help, there are still locations where people believe any work done by Christians is based on ulterior motives.