Tivat Yacov, together with Rivers of Living W
ater Congregation in Karmiel, Israel, sponsored an outreach for the less fortunate children in that community. Many of the parents and grandparents who come to our monthly food outreach, were able to bring their children and grandchildren, 140 children in all, to receive Mishloch Manot (gift bags), who most likely would not receive anything like this otherwise. These gift bags are traditionally given out in Israel during Purim because of Esther 9:19;
"This is why the Jews of the villages, those who live in unwalled towns, make the 14th day of the month of Adar, a day for celebrating, and rejoicing. A holiday and a time for sending each other portions of food."
In addition to the gift bags, the night was filled with entertainment, including performances by many of the children from the congregation and biblical messages of God's love.